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Scot MacGregor: Gaited Dressage and Horsemanship: Private Lessons

June 19 - June 22

$40.00 – $150.00

Contact Loren Stevens at loren.stevens202@gmail.com to be put on the waitlist. Auditing for all days is still available. Please purchase your audit tickets only below.

Scot MacGregor will give private, gaited dressage and horsemanship lessons. As he teaches the horse and rider team in the lesson, he also includes detailed instructions to the auditors. His expertise is world-class, and he is skilled in explaining training techniques with unique clarity. All gaited breeds are invited. He will meet each horse and rider team at their level of riding to focus on their goals and next steps.

Lessons will be $150/hour for a private lesson. The audit fee is $40 per day; if you take a lesson that day, the audit fee is waived. All riders must be Gaited Horses of New England members for insurance purposes. You can find our membership form on the Home or Contact Us pages of this website and pay through PayPal on the Events Page here.

For more information, RSVP to Loren Stevens at: loren.stevens202@gmail.com

Scot MacGregor’s Bio:
Scot MacGregor is the son of World Grand Champion trainer, Marilyn MacGregor; he began his career and training at a young age, learning from his mom. He rode in the Rose Parade 7 times and exhibited a Gaited Horse at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics. Additionally, he exhibited a TWH at five different Equitana USA, the 1997 Equitana in Essen, Germany, four years at the Royal in Toronto, Canada, and was the group leader for the 2010 World Equestrian Games breed demonstrations.

Scot has presented clinics in Europe, Canada, the US, and Mexico. He judged the TWH European Championships in 2021 and 2022, the TWH Mexican Championships, and shows in US and Canada since 2001. Additionally, he has judged the United Mountain Horse World Championships twice.

In the show ring, he has won over 3,000 times in 20 years of showing, including 750 wins in AAA TWH championships. He has won over 65 Western Dressage Association of America (WDAA) Western Dressage World Championships and 7 Grand Championships. Just to change up his professional focus, Scot finished his first American Endurance Ride Conference (AERC) 50-mile endurance ride in 2023.


June 19
June 22
$40.00 – $150.00


Gaited Horses of New England


Mountain Lane Farm
11 Stone Lane
Temple, NH 03084 United States
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The numbers below include tickets for this event already in your cart. Clicking "Get Tickets" will allow you to edit any existing attendee information as well as change ticket quantities.
June 19, Thursday - Clinic
Email loren.stevens202@gmail.com for ride times
0 available
Sold Out
June 20, Friday - Clinic
Email loren.stevens202@gmail.com for ride times
0 available
Sold Out
June 21, Saturday - Clinic
Email loren.stevens202@gmail.com for ride times
0 available
Sold Out
June 22, Sunday - Clinic
Email loren.stevens202@gmail.com for ride times
0 available
Sold Out
June 19, Thursday - Audit Fee
Email loren.stevens202@gmail.com for ride times
June 20, Friday - Audit Fee
Email loren.stevens202@gmail.com for ride times
June 21, Saturday - Audit Fee
Email loren.stevens202@gmail.com for ride times
June 22, Sunday - Audit Fee
Email loren.stevens202@gmail.com for ride times
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